Category: PortJourney Exchange

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P F S L #01

Port Futures & Social Logistics
Friday, April, 22, 2022 at 12:00 – 2:00 PM (EST)

A PORT JOURNEYS Cooperation of HyCP Hamburg and PFSL Athens/GA/USA

A virtual research summit and online exhibition of works exploring the port city as a platform for furthering global cultural dialog through art and urbanism. The event focuses on environments, histories, and materials of production, extraction, and circulation in the age of energy transition.

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Facing inside out –


Using the big windows of ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE as screens, Rahel Bruns transforms the surface of the building to a medium which turns it inside out and vice versa as well as the private to the public and individual to the political recognition of our faces as a statement.  This resumes us to intensive actions of social, cultural and psychological negotiations. At the same time Rahel Bruns brings up various questions, such as of the history of the portrait itself and also of contemporary issues like digitalization, social media and the phenomenon of the individual.

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Step Out of Line – James Enos

A Port Journey Exchange with Athens/Georgia and San Diego, USA

SOL is an ongoing series of conversational works concerned with sharing transitory states of reflection, being, and time. Initially, comprised of small groups as they set out to wander atop primitive trade routes and conceptually probe forms of connectivity—from the hinterlands to their modern urban counterparts.