Young Artists from Maltepe/Istanbul
6. Juli, 18 Uhr
bis 17. Juli 2016
Di – So 16-18 Uhr (Mo geschlossen)
For FRISE atonal Special four young artists from Istanbul/Maltepe came to Altona: Emel Gözde becerikli (born 1983rd), Ezgi Dilan Karataş (born 1992nd), Filiz Piyale (born 1982nd) and Ilsu Aslan (born 1990 levels.). Currently, all Masters students are at Yeditepe University, which is located on the Asian side of Istanbul. Brought along the artists have drawings, paintings and video works.

In these artworks, produced through the old photos, my aim is manifesting the lost characteristics in the images, taken from the life itself and freezing uninterrupted moments. Instead of the objects that are meant to be photographed, I tried to focus on the figures that tries to get involved in the frame or that are there for coincidence. Photograph is a document of a moment passed away.
The painting, on the other hands, has its own time. Therefore by interpreting the old photos and transforming them into paintings, extending the time of the photo to a time beyond is intented. By stressing the concept of time, I looked back to a past in the paintings and intrepreted it.
“After various trainings Gözde started her career as a fashion designer in 2001 and worked with design teams of famous fashion brands. However, upon completing her BA in Fashion Design in 2010 at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, as a designer, she decided to move forward with her career as an artist and started her postgraduate degree in Plastic Arts at Yeditepe University. Driven from her work as a fashion designer, she made her first artistic work by weaving together plants and other botanical textures. From her interest in nature, she managed to transfer the marks of a significant illness to her art through her first project “Portrait of Nature” [2015]. With this project Gözde offers the spectator her own experiences and leaves the analysis of her work to the interpretation of the viewer.“
All my works are dedicated to bring a hidden reality of our lives to light; any “moment” in life exists uniquely by its own atmosphere, cannot be experienced in the exact same way again, is temporary, volatile and always fades away.
I am intending to create momentary utopian spaces and make the audience question the differences of inner worlds and feelings of the people who exist in that particular utopian moment. I think, by this way viewer can actually see these hypothetical spaces and examine that single moment of life in their own inner world since everybody feels and perceives the same atmosphere at the very same moment very differently and attribute distinct meanings to that moment. Maybe, by this way people will be able to create new spaces for themselves and in there, they can experience different feelings and awarenesses of the same space at different times.
FİLİZ PİYALE was born in Istanbul, in 1982. She has studied sociology in Istanbul University and graphic design in Lasalle Academy, Istanbul. She studied footwear design in Florence-Italy. In 2015 she graduated from Yeditepe University Faculty of Fine Arts, department of Plastic Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics). She continues now her postgraduate degree in Yeditepe University, department of Plastic Arts.
Artist Statement
I believe that mankind’s confrontation with its eternal loneliness can only be done somewhere people can feel their own selves. In the shadow of nature’s endless power, because we hear our inner voice in its deep silence. The opposition between awareness we sense and alienation creates a secret conflict. If we can go beyond that hill, to the other side of the bridge, until the end of that conflict, will reach the serenity.
Ein Projekt der kunst altonale
in Kooperation mit FRISE Künstlerhaus Hamburg e.V
Dank für die freundliche Unterstützung an
die Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg,
den Bezirk Maltape, Jerwitz Künstlerbedarf