A lecture by Dr. Heidi Salaverría – philosopher, Hamburg
Keynote for the Port Journey Meeting 2016 at the Frise/ArtCenter Hamburg, Germany.
Category: Port Journey Meeting
Port Journey, an international network for art and culture, will come together in september 2016 in Hamburg for the annual Port Journey Conference. The international meeting of artists, cultural activists, and theorists questions the outdated concept of culture as identity. With an international line-up of an exhibition, workshops, talks, and discussions Port Journey intends to open a forum for an enlarged perspective on culturality in our globalized world.
Founded in 2012 in Yokohama, Port Journey represents an open network of artists and cultural activists with partners in Australia, China, Japan, South Corea, Finland, France, Jordan, Iceland, the Netherlands, USA, and Germany.

の日記 by 藤原ちから – Blog by Chiara Fujiwara
滞在3日目、土曜日。この日は10時間近く、ひたすら英語のプレゼンを聞き続けるというハードな日……。前のめりになる話もあれば、全然耳に入ってこないものもあり。もちろんわたしの英語力の問題もあるけれど。 非常に興味深かったのはアンマン(ヨルダン)のReham[…]

Two Streets – Micheal Olokodana and Till Krause
TRACING HYPER PASSAGES / GUIDED TOURS THROUGH HAMBURG with Micheal Olokodana, Printer and Till Krause, Artist, Galerie für Landschaftskunst Taking a walk, following two monumental city axis, one of state sovereignity, one of economy, erring around […]

Looking for Changes | Revisiting Tour. – In 2010, the Academy of Another City created a temporary Art Route across Hamburg called “Looking for Changes” along the S-Bahn line 3, which connects the north and the south of the city.

Jan Derk Diekema – Government versus Society = ART
TRACING HYPER PASSAGES / GUIDED TOURS THROUGH HAMBURG All over the world a government sometimes clashes with society. Artists can start the clash or come up with a solution for it! In this tour we […]

Measuring hyper links on passages to similarities. How to talk about hyper culturalism with the means of art? The Port Journey 2016 Exhibition with: Jaime Ibanez (Groningen/Nl), Klaske Oenema (Groningen/Nl), Tim Schwartz (Los Angeles/USA), Reham Sharbaji (Amman/Jordan)

Tim Schwartz
Tim Schwartz (b. 1981 Boston, Massachusetts) is a Los Angeles-based artist, technologist, and activist who makes works of art focused on technology, information, privacy, and how our culture absorbs changes in these areas.

Klaske Oenema
PARTICIPATING ARTIST OF THE EXHIBITION “THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME”, PORT JOURNEY MEETING 2016 About my work: The story, the narrative, forms the center of my work. This can be explicit and unfolding in an […]

Reham Sharbaji
In the Arabic language, every noun and name is gendered, and so everything becomes personified merely because the nature of the language deems it so. And so, Amman is identified as feminine, carrying with it all the nuances that are associated with gender.

Jaime Ibanez
PARTICIPATING ARTIST OF THE EXHIBITION “THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME”, PORT JOURNEY MEETING 2016 Jaime Ibanez designs his own systems which are related to cinema, theatre and music. These are “primitive” animations, installations, theatre […]

Program overview of the Port Journey Meeting
Conference with Talks, and Discussions of Portourney Partners: Zou-no-hana Terrace /Yokohama, Halcyon Art Center/Shanghai, The Periscope Project/San Diego, Forum Box/Helsinki, Frame/Finnland, HaVic/Groningen, Spring Sessions/Amman, Kling og Bang/Reykjavík

Get on board for the Port Journey Annual Meeting
For the third time artists, cultural activists, and theorists from different countries gather for the PortJourney annual meeting, which will be held in September 15-18th 2016 in Hamburg, Germany, at the Art Center FRISE.